It has a greasy feel to it, but other than that it serves it’s purpose very well. Next up is the USB Dongle, the plastic feels a bit cheap.

The Sata, and power cable are standard edition, but they are a bit longer to accommodate the installation. Such as the Sata/Power cables to the disc drive, and Xbox 360 motherboard.Very user friendly. The board itself is very nicely labeled in white text where everything should connect to. The x360dock motherboard itself has a nice feel to it, very sturdy doesn’t feel like it’d break if bent a little bit. Drive mode This feature allows you to use your Xbox 360’s original disc drive, in order to play legitimate disc games.The x360dock’s firmware can be upgraded via USB cable, or by a JTAG programming cable. DVD/DL/Multigame compatible The x360dock allows you to play games that have multiple discs, as has support for single layer games.USB 2.0 support The x360dock supports USB 2.0, meaning that you can transfer data faster to the Xbox 360 console.By doing so your disc drive’s lens isn’t as stressed, and the disc drive doesn’t have to consume as much power. Power Reduction The x360dock, makes it so the original disc drive in your Xbox 360 doesn’t have to work.To obtain the keys, additional hardware is needed. However in order to use the x360dock, you must have your Xbox 360’s disc drive keys, which are different for every Xbox 360. Plug and Play The x360dock can be assembled, and disassembled as many times as wanted to different Xbox 360’s.XGD3 support Games in XDG3 Format play just fine.AP25 support Games with the AP26 Anti-Piracy measures can play just fine.A compatibility table can be found below. Compatibility The x360dock works with all Xbox 360’s, except for those with certain disc drives.No need for any additional tools for installation. This feature allows the x360dock to still function, even after Microsoft releases a update to the Xbox 360 console. The x360dock allows you to play ISO games directly off of your computer’s internal hard drive. Similar Xbox 360 USB ISO Loaders do not have this feature, and are priced a bit higher than the x360dock at the time of me writing this review. So no need to go out, and buy a external hard drive. It allows you to play ISOs directly off your computer’s internal hard drive, by using a standard Mini USB cable.

It allows you to play downloaded Xbox 360 ISOs from the internet on your Xbox 360 console, without having to install modified firmware on your disc drive. The x360dock is a USB ISO Loader for the Microsoft Xbox 360 console priced between $72.95, to $90 USD. Review samples supplied by: Team x360dock